Give your little star their first opportunity to shine, through our Little Stars Programme. This programme has been created specifically for children aged 4 to 7 years old and focuses the key skills that will provide a solid foundation for performance, while building confidence and creativity.
Contact Details
Performing Stars Academy
13 George street
Melton Mowbray
LE13 1AX
Tel : 01664 431567

Students will learn how to create a character using physical expressions. They will also learn about empathy and how to realise this emotion in their acting through roleplay.

Students will learn the basic singing techniques which will give them a solid foundation as a singer., including basic breathing techniques, posture and projection.

Dance workshops are designed to establish basic rhythm and timing. students will learn how to pick up basic routines quickly and keep in time with the group.
Students will be taught in a professional dance studio with mirrored wall, drama studio and music room to maximise their ability to learn. Little stars groups will always have two members of staff present at all times
Teachers will recognise and nurture individual talent and children who excel in all three areas will be invited to move up to the next stage, from the age of 6.